Name: |
Jose Mariano Castillo |
Place of Birth: |
Honduras |
Occupation: |
at Law, California Bar#35869 |
Business Address: |
1055 W. 7th Street 33rd Floor,
Los Angeles, CA 90017 |
Business Phone: |
(213) 622-6555 |
Business Fax: |
(213) 377-5771 |
email: | |
Web Page | |
Civil Status: |
Married to Nancy Ellen
Castillo |
Children: |
One daughter, Yvonne Marie
Castillo |
Citizenship: |
U.S.A./Honduras |
- Elementary Education: ADr. Lucio Rivera Elementary School,
Santa Barbara, Honduras.
- Secondary Education: High School Instituto Nacional,
Tegucigalpa, DC; Graduated with a High School Diploma
- University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), BA Degree
(political sciences and public administration)
- Southwestern University School of Law, Graduated with a
Juris Doctor ( JD )
- California Bar Examination: Passed the Bar Examination and was admitted to practice law in the State of California.
- Supreme Court of the State of California
- All State Courts in California
- Supreme Court of the United States
- Federal District Court for Central District of California
- Federal District Court for Eastern District of California
- Federal District Court for the Southern District of
- A. U. S. Army – 8th Regiment of the 4th Infantry Division,
Fort Lewis, Washington and Alaska
- Associate with the Law Offices of Herman Sillas; General Practice of Law with emphasis in
construction industry law.
- Partner of Sillas and Castillo; General practice of law with emphasis on construction industry
law, probate, immigration and business law.
- Law Offices of Jose Mariano Castillo, 1975 to present; The
firm has three lawyers and other associates. General practice of law
with emphasis on international law, both governmental and private,
corporate and business law, probate and other civil matters.
- Chazan, St. Jude vs. Guidant, et al., U.S. District Court,
Central District CV 98-10123R.
- Gibson vs. Spanish State, U.S. District Court, Central
District 99- 131 186 RSWL.
- Groner vs. Groner, California 2nd Court of Appeal.
- Lebon vs. Aerolineas Argentinas, Los Angeles Superior
Court, BC 202 531.
- Marchetta vs. Aerolineas Argentinas, Los Angeles Superior
Court BC 202325.
- Mas Mar Ltda. vs. D A Green, U.S. District Court, Central
District, CV 96-3869 DT.
- Acero Cobre Industrial vs. Crane Automotive, Los Angeles
Superior Court, Case No. BC 227 268.
- Japan Telecom Inc. vs. Japan Telecom America Inc., U.S.
District Court, Central District, Case No. CV 99-04870 GAF.
- Union Pacific Railroad vs. Metalurgica Burcena SA, Los
Angeles Superior Court Case No. MC 033080.
- St. Jude Medical vs. Guidant Corp., Los Angeles Superior
Court Case No. BC 259119.
- Industria Inborja vs Scholle Corp.. Los Angeles Superior
Court Case No. BC 301477.
Jose Mariano Castillo is a member of the following associations:
- The State Bar of California.
- The Los Angeles County Bar Association, with membership in
the International Law Section.
- The Los Angeles Lawyers Club.
- The National Association of Immigration and Nationality
Lawyers, having occupied the office of Treasurer for the Los Angeles
- The Mexican American Bar Association (MABA).
- The Federal Bar Association.
- Lawyer representative to the United States Ninth Circuit
Judicial Conference (1993-1996).
- Member of the Ninth Judicial Circuit Historical Society.
- Member of the United States Supreme Court Historical
- Member of the Advisory Committee on Foreign Trade for the
City of Los Angeles, California.
- Member of the Advisory Committee for the Sheriff of Los
Angeles County.
- Lawyer Representative to the United States Ninth Circuit
Judicial Conference for 2003 through 2006.
- Member of the Committee of the Red Mass for the St. Thomas
More Society.
- Member of the Fraternity of Friends, a support organization
for the Los Angeles Music Center.
- Member of the Dean Circle – Southwestern University Law
- Member of Inter Counsel, London, England.
- Founder of the Associacion Hondurena de Los Angeles, Inc.,
having been the first president.
- Founder of the Argentine American Cultural Foundation, Inc.
President of the Board of Trustees for the year 2002-2005.
- Los Hambriados, Inc., a Mexican social support group for
assisting an orphanage in Mexico.
- Member of the Board of Directors of the of International
Institute of Los Angeles, a United Way Agency. Served as president of
the Board on two separate occasions.
- Member of El Salvador - California Chamber of Commerce.
- Founder and President of La Campanita International Club, a
support entity for the Latin American Consular Corps in Los Angeles,
- Former member of the State of California Commission of the
- Former member of the Los Angeles County Parks and
Recreation Commission, having served as President of the Commission for
two separate terms.
- Founder and President for the Foundation for Honduran
Development, Inc., a California Non-Profit Corporation.
- Founder of La Escuela Argentina de Los Angeles.
- Lecture on Immigration and Naturalization Law, University
of California, San Diego.
- Lecture on Immigration and Nationality Law, California
Lutheran College, Thousand Oaks, California.
- Lecture on the trial by jury in the U.S. Federal System,
The Buenos Aires Lawyers Club, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Lecture on the General Principals of American Law, Collage
de Abogados of San Pedro Sula, Honduras.
- Lecture on the American legal system to visiting Argentine
Federal Judges at Southwestern University School of Law.
- Commentator in legal matters for CNN in Spanish.
- Lecturer at the Seminar of the Asociacion Nacional de
Abogados de Empresa de Mexico, November 2002.
- Commentator on American legal matters for Cadena 13, a
radio network in Argentina.
- Sponsor and Lecturer at Southwestern University School of
Law; "Abandoning the Inquisitor - Latin Criminal Procedure Revolution
Symposium" - Jan 2008
- Special Honor Certification by the City Council of the City
of Los Angeles, 1972.
- Special Award/Certificate presented by the Government of
Ecuador for special services to the nation, 1974.
- Special Honor Certification of Appreciation presented by
the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County for services as
President of County Parks and Recreation Commission, 1990.
- Special Award/Certificate presented by the Government of
Guatemala for services to the nation, 1989.
- Two Special Award/Certificate presented by the Government
of Honduras for services to the nation and to the Central American
community of Los Angeles, (1990 and 1998)
- Special Award/Certificate presented by the Government of
Argentina in October, 1992 for services rendered to the Argentine
nation and to the Argentine community in Los Angeles.
- Knighted by His Majesty Juan Carlos I, King of Spain on
June 23, 2001 with the Order of Queen Isabela the Catholic with the
Rank of Officer's Cross for distinguished services for Spain.
- Honored by the Government of Chile with the Order of El
Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins with the Rank of Encomendador on March
27, 2003 for services rendered to the Government of Chile for the last
20 years as Legal Counsel for the Consulate General of Chile in Los
Angeles, California.
- Honored by the National Congress of Honduras in October
2004, with the Congressional Medal of Honor with the rank of Comendador
for distinguished services rendered to the Government of Honduras in
the United States and to the Honduran community in Los Angeles,
- In March of 2009, Jose Mariano Castillo is honored with a
school dedicated in his name in San Jose de Colinas, Honduras.
- Member of InterCounsel, a consortium of select
international business attorneys around the world
- Member of The Fraternity of Friends, the men’s support
group for the Music Center of Los Angeles
- Southwestern University Law School, graduate and major
- The UCLA Soccer Program, founding athlete and major
supporter of the Men’s Soccer Program
- State of California Commission of the Californians, Former
- Foundation for Honduran Development, Founder and President
- Commentator on legal matters for CNN en Espanol
- Commentator on Honduran political matters on Univsion and
Telemundo television
- Commentator on American legal matters for Cadena 13,
Argentine radio network
- The Government of Argentina. Performing legal services for
the Government of Argentina and its diplomatic posts for the Western
region of the United States.
- The Government of Spain. Represents the Spanish State and
provides professional services for the Spanish Consulate General in
California, the Spanish Embassy in Washington D.C., the Commercial and
Trade Office of Spain in Los Angeles, and The Spanish Tourist Office in
Southern California.
- The Government of Chile. Represents the Government of Chile
through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Santiago, the Embassy in
Washington D. C. and the Consulate General of Chile, in Los Angeles,
California as well as Pro-Chile (The Trade Office of Chile), Los
Angeles, California.
- Government of Honduras: Regional counsel for the government
of Honduras in the Western United States and its Embassy in Washington
D.C. and its Consulate General in Los Angeles, California.
- Aerolineas Argentinas SA.
- Grupo CYDSA S.A. de C.V., Monterey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
- AMI (The Agencia Mexicana de Informacion), Mexico D.F.,
- St. Jude Medical S.C., Inc. (USA).
- Japan Telecom, Inc. (USA).
- COVEX S.A. (Spain).
- Technocorp A.I.E. (Spain)
- Textron SA (Spain))
- Grupo Cedva SA (Mexico)
- La Universidad de Chile), (Chile).
- Pan American Home Products (USA).
- Mas Mar Ltd., (Chile).
- Friosur S.A., (Chile).
- Acero Cobre Industrial Ltd., (Chile).
- First Regional Bank, Century City, California,(USA).
- G.P. Global, Inc. & Plimon Grp. (Spain).
- Bucher AG Motorex, Inc. (Switzerland).
- Corporacion Flores SA (Honduras)
- Banco Altas Cumbres (Chile).
- Banco de Desarrollo Altas Cumbres (Rep. Dominicana).
- Metalurgica Burcena SA (Spain).
- Grupo Rayma (Spain).
- Banco de Antigua (Guatemala).
- Game Fisher SA, (Spain)
- Industrias Inborja, ( Ecuador)
- Cerveceria Centro Americana SA. (Guatemala)
- The Law Offices of Jose Mariano Castillo, in addition to
having its Offices in Los Angeles, has affiliate offices in Mexico
City. It has corresponding lawyers in Mexico, Honduras, Panama, Chile,
Argentina, Spain, Ecuador, Guatemala and Germany.
- In The United States, it has corresponding lawyers in
Miami, New York and Chicago.
- In Mexico City, Jose Mariano Castillo is associated with
the Firm of Macedo, Ortiz Pinchetti and Carrillo on matters dealing
with the Federal District of Mexico and with Lic. Almaquio Basurto
Tovar y Asociados in matters dealing with the Federal Government of
- In Argentina, Mr. Castillo is associated with Drs. Rolando
Villagra in Cordoba, and Martin Barrantes and Alejandro de Ibaretta of
Buenos Aires.
- In Panama, Mr. Castillo is in association with former
Minister of Labor of Panama, Lic. Jorge Ruben Rosas of Rosas &
- In Honduras, Mr. Castillo is in association with former
Foreign Minister Lic. Cesar A. Batres and Leonidas Rosa Bautista, at
present the Procurador General de la Republica in Tegucigalpa, and with
the former Appellate Court Judge, Lic. Rene O. Rivera, in San Pedro
- In Chile, Mr. Castillo is in association with Warnier and
Grant in Santiago.
- In Spain, Mr. Castillo is in association with Miguel
Domench in Madrid, Carlos Arasa in Barcelona and Jose Maria Ilardia in
- In Germany, Mr. Castillo is in association with Leslie
Williams in Berlin.
- Jose Mariano Castillo is of counsel to The Sillas Law Firm
in Los Angeles, California, and the law firm of Feldman Gale &
Weber in Miami, Florida.